Images on the theme of Harry Potter

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

Эх, молодость… Эту игру можно отнести скорее к головоломкам. Потому что большую ее часть мы будем прыгать по платформам, нажимать на кнопки, толкать платформы, собирать бобы, поднимать платформы. Ах да, еще взбираться на платформы! И из-за медленной скорости Гарри может оказаться, что большую часть времени игры вы потратите глядя на то, как он преодолевает очередную преграду.

А еще тут действительно учат магии. Чтобы изучить заклинание, сначала нужно при помощи мыши начертить его изображение. На время.

И куда же без перевода. Пиратскую локализацию первой части давно разобрали на мемы. Так что да, прошедшие эту часть серии видели некоторое дерьмо.

“After All These Years?”


I’m sure you don’t need an explanation here, but just in case, here you go: Snape has been in love with Lily, Harry’s mum, ever since he met her, and after her death, his Patronus became a doe, just like Lily’s had been. When he revealed his Patronus to Dumbledore, he wondered if Snape still had feelings for Lily after all these years had passed. Snape simply replied, “Always.” I’m not crying. You’re crying. 

This beautiful, illuminated doe appears to Harry in the forest and leads him to a very important find on his quest to defeat Voldemort, a tale of love, hope, and finding allies in the most unexpected places. Maybe this beauty could illuminate your desktop now?

Download the wallpaper here.

Stephanie H (aka @artbystephaniehession) from Australia

This touching green and red painting depicts Hagrid seeing off the Hogwarts Express as it goes on another journey. We love how the colours seem to perfectly paint the mood as Hagrid walks back to the castle – and the glowing windows from the train as it passes.

What inspired you to create this artwork?

I re-read the Harry Potter series every summer (and have done for 6 years now) and am currently listening to the audiobooks with my partner. As we would finish an audiobook, we would watch a movie together. As we finished watching Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone together and the movie closed out on this final shot of the Hogwarts Express departing Hogsmeade and Hagrid heading back up to Hogwarts castle, I decided I’d paint this scene for him as a gift for listening to the books with me.

Do you remember the first timeyou watched Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone?

Not the first time, but definitely the most recent time with my partner – that inspired this artwork.

Harry Potter

Harry Potter fans can download a variety of Harry Potter wallpapers for their devices, including desktops and mobile phones. There are many different images and sizes available to suit all devices. Here are a few options: To download a Harry Potter wallpaper, click on the link below and select the type of device you have.

Wallpapers can be themed around the school’s infamous characters, such as Draco Malfoy and Snape. There are also wallpapers that feature the Deathly Hallows, which depict the darker times in the Harry Potter series. These are also available for iPads and iPhones. These wallpapers can help you keep your child’s room as unique as possible.

Many Harry Potter wallpapers feature iconic designs from the films. Some depict scenes from the Wizarding World, including Tom Riddle’s early memories. Others feature images from the Triwizard Tournament, such as Harry as the fourth champion of the tournament. Another wallpaper shows the famous Marauder’s Map.


If you love the magic of Harry Potter, you’ll want to get a Harry Potter wallpaper. There are many different ones on the market that will appeal to fans of the books and movies. You can choose a background that features the Hogwarts Great Hall or a scene from Diagon Alley. If you’re looking for a specific theme, you can also choose a Hogwarts themed wallpaper.

If you’re a true Harry Potter fan, a Harry Potter castle wallpaper mural will be the perfect backdrop for your home. RoomMates’ Hogwarts Castle wallpaper mural is the perfect backdrop for any Muggle or Wizard, as it combines Hogwarts Castle with the glow of a full moon. This wallpaper mural is both easy to install and is sure to impress fans of all ages.

Harry Potter wallpapers are available for both your iPhone and iPad. You’ll find characters such as Voldemort, Draco Malfoy, Snape, Dumbledore, Hagrid, and James Potter. You can even download some of your favorite scenes from the books and movies to decorate your home.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Ух, сколько грязи было вылито на эту игру… И сегодняшнее упоминание о ней не станет исключением! Кривой порт с консоли подарил нам все ожидаемые от него прелести. Удобно играть можно будет только с геймпадом. Камера развила в себе самосознание и воспротивилась самой концепции нормальной игры. Иногда даже не видно, кого там за кадром мы засыпаем заклинаниями. А за кадром можно было спрятать пол игры – разрешение 800×600 без возможности изменения, это как раз позволяло. И хоть последний пункт немного поправили, работали над ним сами игроки, что говорит еще и об отношении к сообществу.

Помимо этого, необходимо было обшарить каждый уголок локации в поисках «щитов», без определенного количества которых дальше по сюжету нас не пускали. Время прохождения игры увеличивалось, отвращение к ней росло.

Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft And Wizardry

Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hoggy Warty Hogwarts, teach us something, please…

I am absolutely in love with this picture, and I’ll be damned if it doesn’t stay on my desktop wallpaper for the next few months. Even without the fact that this is Hogwarts we’re talking about, I love the castle itself and the colors in this photo, the gray and cloudy sky with the street lamps and the Gothic Gargoyle statues. But who am I kidding? There’s no way you could mistake Hogwarts for just a random castle. It’s shown here in its beauty and majesty as well as in its mystery. 

Full disclosure: if you’re as easily distracted as I am, you might actually end up staring at it all day long and have no work done on your PC, so watch out!

Download the wallpaper here.

Places To Choose For The Tattoo?

Mostly, this kind of image we can see on the shoulder, back, and neck. However, the man and women shouldn’t forget that they need to follow different rules. Traditionally, women are doing small tattoos and men – large. That is why the first ones choose such places as hand, neck, and shoulder and last ones – back or legs.

Looking for small but shouting emblems. The Fawkes saving Harry from Slytherin can count.

The Castle of Hogwarts is a beauty in the night. This tattoo will look good on your sleeve.

Everybody loves luck. The Felix Felicis drink can bring you luck

Sometimes the hero in our small story faces a challenge. Fawkes is the bird that heals them.

Slytherin House is symbolized by a snake. It is also a good choice of small Harry Potter tattoos.

Are you a snakes Slytherin fan? This creature is freaky and would be the tattoo for you.

Termed as dangerous, the Threstal can be tamed. This Harry Potter tattoo looks good for your thigh.

Fawkes tears turn out to be a healing agent when Harry fights Slytherin’s Basilic.

A few strokes and you already know what you are looking for. This less sophisticated art suits you.

The Marauder’s Map can be opened and closed by these words.

Some people hate you, at death, they will dance with your devils. Even if they hide emotions, it will still be seen.

The are many versions of the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft … this Harry Potter tattoo will go well with that dress.

Sometimes, why not separate them.

Muggles are normal human beings who do not believe in magic and so they demean Harry.

What people will choose this symbol?

Of course, here we need no explanation because most fans of the fairy-tales about the small boy, who has got to the mysterious school and appeared to be a great magician will make such a choice. However, there is also a difference between the sense girls, and boys are putting in the presented sketch.

The deathly hallows are scary. If interesting, why not have it on your sleeve.

Hogwarts Castle

People love not just people but also places. The Castle of Hogwarts makes you part of the harry potter always tattoo team.

The castle, the books, Hedwig and the deathly hollows dominate the life of Harry.

Art is lovely, the background is even better. You could have loved this story because of the play of colors.

Color can make a sophisticated simplicity. This Coat of Arms is one of the best harry potter tattoos to try.

Potter Wordings and Symbols

Art could take a while. These small harry potter tattoos are not.

In the case it is female tattoo, first of all, it needs to be colorful and beautiful. Girls have already used to think, that everything they are doing with themselves has only one aim – to make the body more beautiful. That is why, rather those girls, who always wanted to add some mysteries and adventures will keep Harries image on their skin.

There is always a star in every story, Hermione Granger was a star.

Life is full of directions, sometimes we need guidance.

A night at the Hogwarts. The Hogwarts School has a lake known as the Black Lake.

Even the darkest of times could be made live by remembering to turn on the light.

Gryffindor Crest

This sign belonged to Gryffindor House and is a good option for Harry Potter tattoos.

Male tattoo in the same situation will keep another sense and mean quite the opposite. The main character in all this story always was self-confident and strong. He was brave and ready to die for those, he loves.

Magic is life and has its challenges. Dumbledore teaches us not to just concede defeat but to fight.

Are you the chaotic type, do you love fun? This is your best quote; a password to a provider of direction.

When Harry applies to join the Hogwarts a letter of acceptance is brought by Hogwarts owl.

There is always a shot that will win you a game. For Harry Potter, the golden snitch was that shot.

I just need a magic wand. This small harry potter tattoos are easy and fast.

The magic wand stick executes all commands. It also symbols for happiness.

Characters in the deathly hallows express emotions. This amazing Harry Potter always tattoo is a reminder.

Magic is amazing and you will come across mysteries. The flying key is one of them.

In Hogwarts, the deathly hallows are the scariest of adventures. This light ink hallows sign looks less scary.

No one expects to walk in the dark and find a moving skeleton.

The deathly hallows and snitch are simple art. They are good for lovers of small Harry Potter tattoos.

The Watercolor Golden Snitch

The snitch ball is most significant in Quidditch.

That is why, man will choose this kind of symbol when they want to remind themselves, that they have nothing to be scared of in their lives, and everyone can change himself with the magic move of the hand, just like in Harry Potter books.

In the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The eagle symbol is a sign of the Ravenclaw House.

The Hogwarts School of Magicians logo is the masterpiece. This version is a simpler Harry Potter tattoo.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Вот он, мой любимец. Выставить эту игру на второе место было чрезвычайно ангажированным решением, ведь LEGO-версия во многом ее превосходит. Дело в том, что я знакомился с играми согласно их хронологии выхода. И пятая часть стала для меня лучом света после провальной четвертой. Тут и графику подтянули, и камеру усмирили, да вот даже свет в этой игре такой теплый и уютный!

Впервые в серии нам предоставили подробную модель Хогвартса. Последствием такого решения стали огромная территория, завораживающие (почти) виды, беготня по несколько минут в противоположную часть замка и слабая наполненность этих больших пространств.

Казалось бы, вот они и минусы, но есть кое-то, перекрывающее одним махом вообще все плохое в этой игре. В Ордене Феникса игрок становится самым настоящим волшебником. И магия оказывается наукой весьма сложной.

Чтобы произнести заклинание, нам необходимо зажать левую или правую кнопку мыши и прочертить ей определенную фигуру. Например, послать в противника оглушающее заклинание «Остолбеней» можно зажав правую кнопку мыши и начертив круг против часовой стрелки. А для огненного заклинания «Инсендио» необходимо зажать левую кнопку мыши и резко провести сначала вверх, а затем вниз. Вот он весь смысл игры. Не скоростное уничтожение кнопок мыши, а изучение, запоминание и правильное применение сделает вас виртуозом в магии.

Script Harry Potter Tattoos

Source: @rubberducky89 via InstagramSource: @diamondthomtat2 via Instagram

Source: @metamorphosistattoos via Instagram

Source: @megankinsellatattoo via Instagram

Source: @ami.playhouse via Instagram

Source: @carolpfutattoo via Instagram

Source: @helen_tinc_etherington via Instagram

Source: @fridaynighttattoos via Instagram

The rich text of author JK Rowling creates many opportunities for quotes and passages from the Harry Potter series to be immortalized in body art. Whether it’s the solemn oath from the Marauder’s Map, a passionate plea from Severus Snape, or one of the wise benedictions Dumbledore likes to feed Harry, there’s all sorts of ink featuring words from the books and movies.

These examples show off some sensational tattoo choices, offering simple spells in a range of lettering styles along with more complex quotes from the series done with color and verve.

Alastor “Mad-Eye” Moody

Grizzled. If there’s one word that could describe Alastor “Mad-Eye” Moody in a nutshell, it’s “grizzled.” One of the most renowned Aurors of all time, Moody was a fierce fighter for good in the First and Second Wizarding Wars. He’d lost an eye, which was replaced with a magical one, he has a wooden leg, and his face is covered with scars. His experiences in battle left him emotionally damaged as well — paranoid, bitter, and eccentric.

In spite of his seemingly fragile mental state, the veteran Moody was convinced to come out of retirement by Dumbledore to serve as the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. But Moody was shortly attacked by Barty Crouch Jr., who would trap and subsequently impersonate him using polyjuice potion in service of Voldemort. The real Moody would go on to serve in the reformed Order of the Phoenix, faithfully protecting Harry Potter from Voldemort and his forces until he died in the line of duty in The Deathly Hallows Part 1.

Rebecca S A (aka @rebeccaadamsart) from Sweden

Rebecca has created a brilliantly abstract piece representing many facets of the Harry Potter stories – from the Sorting Hat to the giant chess set. Take a look and see how many references you can spot.

What inspired you to create this artwork?

I must say that all the Harry Potter movies inspire me, I have re-watched them many times and it never gets old for me. There are so many amazing scenes to choose from, but my main inspiration comes from the theme music. The music is one of the most alluring things about the movie. It captivates you in a magical way. The melodies evoke such powerful emotions and takes me to another dimension as soon as the first note rings. That’s why I created a floating dimension with the main characters and moments that represents the movie from my point of view.

Do you remember the first time you watched Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone?

The enchanting illustrations of Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone changed the world. It opened the door to a magical place that we all wanted to be a part of. I remember the first time I watched it because I felt that there was a greater meaning behind the story that spoke to me, besides the amazing scenery of course.The metaphors show the good and bad we experience in life and how we can grow from it.

Natali W (aka @nala_zeichnet) from Germany

This beautiful sketch of an ornate key with wings represents the Flying Key scene towards the end of the first film, where Harry must use his Quidditch skills to locate a certain key to unlock the path to the Philosopher’s Stone.

What inspired you to create this artwork?

I put this picture on paper because I wanted to give the little things in Harry Potter a bigger focus, because I’m in love with detail. I used to fall in love with the flying keys and so I created my very own key.

Do you remember the first time you watched Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone?

I remember exactly how I sat in the cinema, I was so excited. The film captivated me at the first second, it was magical, as it has never existed before in this way. I absorbed all impressions so that I fell even more into the world of Harry and to this day, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone is my favorite.

Famous Harry Potter Quotes about Friendship

21. “We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided.” –The Goblet of Fire

22. “Oculus Reparo!”– J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone

Image credits to Indri Rizal via

23. “Until the very end.”― J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

24. “To the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure.” ― Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

25. “Harry, suffering like this proves you are still a man! This pain is part of being human … the fact that you can feel pain like this is your greatest strength.” – Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

26. “Things we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end, if not always in the way we expect.” – Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

27. “It is the unknown we fear when we look upon death and darkness, nothing more.” – Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

28. “I am not worried, Harry,” said Dumbledore, his voice a little stronger despite the freezing water. “I am with you.”― J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

30. “Words are in my not-so-humble opinion, the most inexhaustible form of magic we have, capable both of inflicting injury and remedying it.” ― Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

10+ Best Premium Harry Potter SVG Images

Below are high-quality clipart Harry Potter SVG, which are expressed in their design and suitability for a variety of projects. If you value quality over quantity, then these products are your choice!

Slytherin Snake SVG

  • Stock Content

  • SVG Files

  • Harry Potter

File type PNG, SVG
DateNovember 3 2022

black gray pink white


5 (10 Votes)

If you are looking for some high-quality Harry Potter SVG symbols for your projects, then you should check out this Slytherin emblem. Four variations that are made with attention to detail will make you use them for your creativity. They will be suitable for logos, scrapbooking, social media, websites, and other things.

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Harry Potter Key SVG

  • Stock Content

  • SVG Files

  • Home

  • Key

File type PNG, SVG
DateAugust 19 2022

5 (10 Votes)

Surely you remember those flying keys, so now try to use them for your design ideas! Six cool files in SVG and PNG format that you can easily customize and edit even colors. They are commercially licensed and so you can use them for any project.

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Harry Potter Snake SVG

  • Stock Content

  • SVG Files

  • Harry Potter

File type PNG, SVG
DateNovember 2 2022

blue gray orange pink purple


5 (10 Votes)

Snakes are one of the main symbols in the Harry Potter universe. So if you have decided to make a project about this wonderful universe, then by all means use this silhouette style Harry Potter SVG, which you will fall in love with at first sight.

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Harry Potter Book SVG Designs

  • Stock Content

  • SVG Files

  • Education

  • Book

File type PNG, SVG
DateJuly 20 2022

blue brown orange red yellow


4.6 (11 Votes)

Harry Potter SVG images of the books that you can use in so many cases.

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6 Harry Potter SVG Designs

  • Stock Content

  • SVG Files

  • Harry Potter

File type SVG
DateMay 2 2022

black white


5 (12 Votes)

These are impressive Harry Potter SVG images that you can apply for creating unique logos, banners, ads, posters, websites, presentations, etc. You can also make cool designs for theme parties.

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9 Witch Hat SVG Designs

  • Stock Content

  • SVG Files

  • Halloween SVG

File type PNG, SVG
DateMay 2 2022

black white


5 (10 Votes)

The magical hat is also the symbol of Harry Potter. So, this Harry Potter SVGs includes a variety of hats. Decorate logos and project designs with them.

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Hogwarts SVG: 9 Files

  • Stock Content

  • SVG Files

  • Harry Potter

File type PNG, SVG
DateMay 2 2022

black blue brown gray pink


5 (10 Votes)

What kind of Harry Potter project can you do without colorful potions, themed glasses, wands, magical books, etc.? Try this huge bundle and pick out some really awesome elements for your works.

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Accio Coffee Harry Potter Inspired SVG image

This product is available in PNG, DXF, EPS, and SVG file formats. Use it for print and online projects to make your designs more atmospheric.

Magic Wand and Stars SVG File

What do you associate the legendary Harry Potter movies with? It is, of course, the wands and the magic that captures everybody. Feel free to apply this Harry Potter wand SVG for eye-catching designs.

Harry Potter SVG, PNG, DXF, EPS File

This is an incredible Harry Potter SVG file great for prints. If you are a fan of this magical story, then the Dementors along with the book symbols would be a perfect design solution.

Harry Potter Hogwarts SVG Files

Here is a Harry Potter silhouette SVG with the famous phrase that every fan of the books and movies probably knows. Choose this one for awesome prints on clothes, accessories, cases, bags, etc.

This cute Harry Potter image will work for a variety of projects. Create stylish and magical designs right now.

All This Time Always Nine Heartbeat Svg

If your heart beats in rhythm with the magic of Harry Potter, then this image is definitely what you need. Apply it to online and offline projects.

Deathly Hallows Tattoo Ideas

Source: @tattoosbyjon2018 via Instagram

Source: @babautatuagens via Instagram

Source: @bryangerardo via Instagram

Source: @cologede via Instagram

Source: @deathly_blackk via Instagram

Source: @laurencoley_tattoo via Instagram

Source: @krissydiane_tattoos via Instagram

Source: @carmel.ferreira_tattoo via Instagram

Source: @aadam_the_artist via Instagram

The Deathly Hallows are three highly powerful magical objects created by Death and granted in trickery to the Peverill brothers. The Deathly Hallows symbol is a circle, line, and triangle combined. These represent the three Deathly Hallows: the circle is the Resurrection Stone, the line is the Elder Wand, and the triangle is the Cloak of Invisibility.

Anyone possessing all three of the artifacts will be the Master of Death. When joined, the Deathly Hallows form an important symbolic image the HP fan and tattoo fraternity has come to adopt in magnificently different ways.

The Deathly Hallows Symbol was mentioned only a handful of times in book and film format but is one of the most inked inspirations from the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. As these examples show, a Deathly Hallows tattoo can be versatile in color, application, and technical style.

Ekaterina B (aka @bulankinaka) from Russia

Ekaterina has perfectly immortalised the moment where the Dursleys realised they really couldn’t escape from magic… when Hagrid gifts Dudley with a pig tail!

What inspired you to create this artwork?

This artwork was created through participation of the #potterweekprompts hashtag. This time, our theme was transformation. I didn’t want to draw something like a werewolf or Transfiguration class with Professor McGonagall – and then I remembered this funny scene.

Do you remember the first time you watched Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone?

Actually no, I was so young. Moreover, I have a tradition to rewatch all Harry Potter movies every year when New Year is coming, so my impressions are blurred a little bit.

Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets Posters (2002)

1. Theatrical Info

The release date of the movie was 3 November 2002. It was out in the cinema much sooner than the expectation of the audience. Makers made and released the movie soon after the release of the first installment because they were afraid that the kids will grow up.

The movie bagged over $850 million on a budget of $100 million.

3. What Is Galleon

You muggle, don’t know about Galleon? Knut, Sickle, and Galleon are a wizarding currency which is bronze, silver, and gold respectively and hence in increasing order.

4. Who Is Muggle?

You Muggle, don’t know about Muggle? Muggle is a term used in the movie to refer anyone who doesn’t know anything about magic and wizarding.

5. Adobe, I mean, a Dobby!

No, this is not Gollum from Lord Of The Rings, although I always thought so, that guy is much more disgusting than him. Dobby is a servant of the Malfoy family, and I really don’t know what he has to serve, he always spoils every work, until it all ends.

6. Serpensortia

Want a pet snake, shout out the title aloud. The movie includes all kind of fantasy creatures and from fantasy creatures, I remembered something. Let’s talk about that in the end of the post. Serpensortia is a spell, which is used to create snakes. Yeah, I know that info was really useless for you.

7. Parseltongue

Parseltongue, which is hard just to pronounce, is a language of snakes and Harry Potter is fluent in it. Although some of its references are shown in the first part, it is focused on this one. How does he know this language? You will get to know about it in the movies.

8. This Shot Was Too Expensive

There is a scene where Harry and Ron crash Mr. Wesley’s car. The car was Ford Anglias, and 14 Anglias were destroyed just for that one scene.

9. Quidditch

Although, you have already seen them playing Quidditch game, which is the game focused on a flying ball, in the first movie but does you know that this has become an actual game now. People play it in the different parts of the world, however, they just hold the broom with their one hand, as they are Muggles only. I can imagine how funny it would be to see them playing it.

10. All Exams Have Been Cancelled

There cannot be happier ending when at the end of the movie the headmaster say that all the exams have been canceled. Dumbledore announces that “In the light of recent events, as a school treat, all exams have been canceled” and everyone applauded. Destroy my whole school building, they will make us sit on the road and write the answer sheet.

Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft And Wizardry

Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hoggy Warty Hogwarts, teach us something, please…

I am absolutely in love with this picture, and I’ll be damned if it doesn’t stay on my desktop wallpaper for the next few months. Even without the fact that this is Hogwarts we’re talking about, I love the castle itself and the colors in this photo, the gray and cloudy sky with the street lamps and the Gothic Gargoyle statues. But who am I kidding? There’s no way you could mistake Hogwarts for just a random castle. It’s shown here in its beauty and majesty as well as in its mystery. 

Full disclosure: if you’re as easily distracted as I am, you might actually end up staring at it all day long and have no work done on your PC, so watch out!

Download the wallpaper here.

Watercolor Tattoos from the Wizarding World

Source: @katinkart via Instagram

Source: @mboogiecosplay via Instagram

Source: via Instagram

Source: @chrome_toaster via Instagram

Source: @memphistattoohockenhei via Instagram

Source: @nelsontattoos21 via Instagram

Source: @ohanatattoomostole via Instagram

Source: @shadesofgraync via Instagram

Watercolor tattoos fit many source images from Harry Potter, whether it’s supporting the black ink of the lightning bolt scar and Harry’s glasses, or ore stylized versions of the Golden Snitch and Deathly Hallows.

The ‘wispy’ arrangement of flow and looser bordering shapes allow for bright color splashes across the central image – complementing the detail or linework in each tattoo focal point nicely.

8 Luna’s Patronus Portrait

This picture of Luna shows off the many quirks of the character fabulously. She has her wand behind her ear, her spectroscope glasses on her forehead, her radish earrings on, and her faithful patronus on her should that happens to be a white bunny. Everything great about Luna is portrayed beautifully, and she’s even surrounded by a bluish-white glow to represent her house color.

Luna is adored by many fans of the series for her unique personality and sense of style.

As an oddball among witches and wizards, she never fails to stand out from the crowd. This vivid and colorful portrayal of the character pops out just as much as she would if she were present in the room and it displays everything she is perfectly.

Art by peculiardork.


Throughout the book, Rowling expresses the importance of friendship, particularly when it comes to overcoming challenges and difficult tasks. Before coming to Hogwarts, Harry is completely isolated. Not only does he not have a loving family environment, but he does not have any friends to serve as a support system. After becoming a student at Hogwarts, however, Harry quickly creates a large group of friends but, more importantly, a close relationship with Ron and Hermione. For most of the students at Hogwarts, a strong group of friends helps with homesickness and difficult classes. Yet, in Harry’s case, Rowling draws a more obvious parallel between friendship and difficult life challenges: the only way that Harry is able to reach the Mirror of Erised in the dungeons of Hogwarts is with Ron and Hermione’s help. Hermione and Ron both tackle specific challenges that Harry would have been unable to face on his own, specifically ‘s challenge of the giant wizarding chess and ‘s challenge of the potions. In this case, Harry’s friendship with Ron and Hermione saves his life and allows him to keep Voldemort from finding the Sorcerer’s Stone.

Cassie G (aka @cassiegillespie) from Ireland

Cassie has used herself as the canvas for her 20th anniversary celebration – focusing on the journey a Hogwarts student must go on – from receiving their Hogwarts letter, to boarding the Hogwarts Express, to the eventual arrival at the school.

What inspired you to create this artwork?

I was inspired to create this artwork by the magical imagery that I saw in the movie and the books. There were some of the moments that stood out to me the most and really made me feel I was there in the magic.

Do you remember the first time you watched Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone?

Yes, I do remember the first time I watched Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. My Godmother brought both my older brother and I to the cinema to see the movie and I remember being so excited after reading the book. I really fell in love with everything the movie brought to life; the scenes, the characters, the magic. Since then, I’ve watched it more times than I can count.

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